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Financial Behaviors Index

A First Command advisor is showing a happy family their financial projections on a computer screen

Financial Behaviors Index

The Advisor Difference

At First Command, we define our Mission as “Coaching those who serve in their pursuit of financial security.” We place a particular emphasis on coaching our clients to practice productive financial behaviors. Our Financial Behaviors Index® surveys of military families consistently indicate that those who work with a financial advisor are more likely to exhibit those behaviors. Perhaps not surprisingly, they also tend to be more confident about their financial future.

We Shape Financial Behaviors

Career military families who work with a financial advisor report a higher monthly savings rate and more accumulated assets than those without an advisor.

Chart showing average monthly savings with advisors to be twice as much as without an advisor
Chart showing average monthly savings with advisors to be twice as much as without an advisor

*Includes contributions to short-term savings,
long-term savings and retirement accounts

Source: First Command Financial Behaviors Index®, Q4 2023

What is the Financial Behaviors Index?

The First Command Financial Behaviors Index® assesses the financial behaviors, intentions and attitudes of career military families and the general population. Insights are collected through a monthly survey of approximately 530 U.S. consumers, including 200 active-duty service members and military spouses in pay grades E-5 and above.

Saving More, Feeling Better.

A First Command Advisor can help you start practicing positive financial behaviors.

* First Command Financial Behaviors Index®, Q4 2023