Social Media Guidelines | First Command
First Command
Social Media Guidelines
We’re so pleased you want to join the conversation on our social media pages. First Command Financial Services, Inc. is committed to the highest standards of conduct, and requests that you follow these simple guidelines:
- Protect your personal information. Please do not include any specific account details or other sensitive information, such as your social security number or account number(s).
- Stay on topic. Please post only comments that relate to the topic of the post or the purpose of the page.
- Be nice. Feel free to disagree or post an opinion you are passionate about. But be civil and keep it G-rated. Abusive, profane, offensive, or unlawful comments, links or images will not be allowed on the page.
- Do not spam our community. Remember spam is a four-letter word. Comments unrelated to First Command Financial Services and designed to sell a product or service or posted just to drive traffic to a particular website for personal, political, or monetary gain, will be taken down.
- Take ownership of your posts. We discourage posts without a screen name or from a non-identifiable pseudonym and reserve the right to pull them down if they don’t add value or violate other usage guidelines. Know that First Command does not necessarily endorse or agree with all of the statements, positions, or opinions provided by participants on this site. This applies to members of the general public as well as those persons who may be affiliated with First Command.
- We do not endorse. Please note that a follow, “like” or share of content on our part does not equal an endorsement of any kind of the content or any named third party.
Contact our Customer Service Center or your Financial Advisor for help
Our concern for your privacy and our adherence to financial industry regulations prevent us from answering specific questions about accounts and services on this site. You can reach a Client Services representative by phoning +1.800.443.2104. You may also find contact information for your Financial Advisor by visiting